Blaise at 21 months

August 4, 2006

July 2006 was an eventful month for Blaise: sessions with the teacher and the therapist started; several visits were made to Gra’ma and Grampa; and, reaching 21 months old.  We also had a nice surprise visit with Cata and her son Spencer.  Spencer was in the area to take part in a tennis tournament (even though court temperatures topped over 100 degrees!).

Meanwhile, Blaise is dashing about with heedless energy, and has started using the sign language she is picking up from her sessions with her teacher.  She can point to her eyes, ears, nose, chin, mouth, neck, shoulders, knees, toes, and head, when prompted.  She can also label and point to light, trees, grass, cars, trucks, and buses.  When she hears a plane flying overhead, she shouts “fly!”

here are recent pics:

 with Blaise a few days before she turned 21 months old

with gra’ma and grampa on the same day

River backdrop, with Cata

  Greeting me in the lobby after work, July 25

2 Responses to “Blaise at 21 months”

  1. Reply for post : “Blaise at 21 months”

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